Home 2.1 Pilot's instruments 2.2 Tailgunner's instruments
2.1 Pilot's instruments
Ok, here is the instruments panel:
1. Landing gear light indicator
2. Road (?)Air Speed Indicator
3. Artificial horizon:
4. Vertical Speed Indicator
5. Compass
6. Landing air speed indicator
7. Lateral slant indicator
8. Sensible (?) altimeter
9. Combinateur double pour extincteur Martin (certainly an engine extinguisher)
10. Air manometer
11. Montre (literally watch, but that's not displaying hours... hmmm)
12. Turn indicator
13. Gyro
14. Altimeter
(slightly different version used in the prototype. In the other hand, it's more clear).
15. Tachymeter
16. Light warning that machineguns are out of ammo
17. Cannon shells counter
18. Oil thermometer
19. Oil manometer
20. Isolation stopcock (isolating what? don't know)
21. Depress (?) manometer
22. Directionnal (?) isolation stopcock
23. Bullets counter for the nose machineguns (right & left)
24. Poste de commande 2 BEC (?)
25. Fuel gauge
26. Fuel manometer
27. 2 ways regulating valve
28. Valves block
29. (literally) can be read by 3 ways manometer (Bloody Babel tower malediction!)
And just a reminder, a pic of the dashboard:
(click on the pics to enlarge)
Other views of the dashboard, taken at the occasion of an experiment (that has been made on a normal Bre 691, so no big change on the dashboard)
(the altimeter and the small lamp that you can see at the top of the dashboard were added for the experimentation)