


Maybe that'll help...

But here is a picture of the Bre 690 C3. It was the fighter variant, that has never been operationnal. If the organization of the airframe is different, this picture has the advantage to show the internal superstructure of the airframe (Breguet has never changed the airframe at all between 1938 and 1942, and the dozen of variants studied/built used the same one).

The left pic is heading the pilot's cockpit, and is taken from the tailgunner position. And the right one has been taken from this instrument panel that you can see on the right one.

Just a reminder; the overall organization of the airframe:

(Click on the pic to enlarge).


Armor plates:

Here is a cut of the plane showing where the armor plates were located:

Armor plates are in pink: -under the pilot's seat

-in the pilot's back (also represented frontally in the middle of airframe).

-in front of the tailgunner's knees

-under the tailgunner's feet (also represented seen from above).



Pilot's canopy:

On this last picture, you can see that the pilot could also open the side glasses.

The tailgunner's canopy was retractable:

You can see the handles on the right cut. I beleive that before retracting it, the tailgunner had to pull it down, then it could roll into the airframe. Here are pics in the intermediate position (in fact, almost all the pics taken on the ground were in this position: it was more easy to enter back into the cockpit like that, instead of locking it all the time).