
Race Day: Watching the Race Live

Family, friends and the rest of the "bar fleet" can watch the race progress live from any web-connected device. First, log into the SailTracker tracking website. For King Harbor Yacht Club racers and guests, use the account "khyc", ID "guest" and password "khycguest".

The system will log you directly into the Fleet viewing screen, and it will default to viewing All Fleets. Navigation on is what you would expect from Google Maps - you can pan, zoom in/out, etc, using the map controls in the main map window.

To view a specific fleet use the pulldown near the upper left corner of the map labeled "Fleet Map:". This allows you to pick a specific fleet to view, possibly reducing clutter on the display from multiple boats being tracked.

To put SailTracker into real-time update mode, click on the "Auto" button located on the right side of the page. This refreshes the map display every 15 seconds and will show all yachts in the fleet's progress down the race course.

On the Fleet Map you will see pushpins indicating the yacht's last known location and the previous 10 additional locations. Clicking on any of these pushpins displays a popup dialog box showing the yacht's name, the time of the last received coordinate, the yacht's location and speed.

The only additional window of interest to live SailTracker watchers is the Mapping -> Yacht Map screen. Choosing this will allow you to view the entire track during the period selected from the date/time input on the calendar on the right side of the window for an individual yacht. You can select the yacht's track to be viewed by selecting the yacht's name from the pulldown near the upper left corner of the map labeled "Yacht Map:". There is an "Auto" update for this screen as well, and an additional "Last" to show the last reported position. Since this is a race, it's probably more interesting to leave the map on the "Fleet Map" view.


Post-Race Analysis

Now come the "what-ifs". Did you gybe left when you should have gone right? What was your competition doing while your sails were luffing?

SailTracker makes it possible to review your course from a bird's eye view as well as perhaps learning something from the successes and mistakes of your fellow competitors. Log into the SailTracker website using the login credentials mentioned in Step 4 and go to the Yacht Mapping menu and select your yacht (or that of your competitor). Using the calendar, set the start and finish time of your race and review your tracks in detail. Use the "Replay" feature to step through the race chronologically. Check the "Infobox" checkbox to keep the popup displaying the latest GPS position and speed information.

Track of the 2010 Queen Mary Regatta