If you're a racer and have an Android phone then you're in luck. Now available for use with SailTracker: an app from the AndroidZoom app store. The GPS2OpenGTS Pro app opens the option of tracking to a whole new audience of racers who don't want to manage a separate tracking device. This app has been tested working with the SailTracker system. Note that the free version of this app will not work properly with SailTracker.

The new Android app joins the existing commercial app GSM Tracker by Aspicore, available for some Nokia Symbian phones. If you own a supported phone with GPS you can now have, for a modest fee, the software you need to connect to SailTracker from your own phone.
If you decide to purchase one of the above two apps for your phone you'll need some configuration information to send your data to SailTracker. Contact me for details how to register your app with the SailTracker service.
Unfortunately there is no app available at this time for the Apple iPhone/iPad, though I am considering developing one. For the time being, iPhone users who want to participate can purchase a GPS transponder kit or borrow a friend's Droid...